13 October 2013

I've not dabbled with nail art before for three reasons:

  1. I have a short attention span ( I love a quick dry/minimal coat polish)
  2. I don't have the steadiest hands
  3. I didn't own a nail art pen.....I now do.
Inspired by the beautiful blank Revlon's 050 White On White Nail Enamel* (£6.49) provides, I thought I might get creative. For a beginner I thought it best to keep it simple and I don't have any fancy tools (yet).....so went for 5 dots in a circle to make multi-coloured flowers (think in the style of Mr. Men)
canvas that

I've used Barry M's Nail Art Pen (£4.99)** in black, for the outline. It brings out the design, but also is great for masking wobbly lines and imperfections.

The only issue with using blogs if polish for the flower petals, is that the polish is quite thick, which takes a while to dry - and as the pen has a sharp nib it can dent the flowers if they are still a bit tacky....so patience is the name of the game here (see point 1 above).

I finished the flowers with a dot of white in the centre. They look pretty cute, but the steadiness when using my left hand was questionable!! Painting nails with my left hand is fine, but writing/outlining details with a pen is another matter. ...and for this reason I would take Blue Peter's advice and get a grown-up to help you!

Not bad for a first attempt, but practice makes perfect!

* Revlon's nail enamels are currently on offer in Boots £2 off - so it's worth grabbing them while the offer is on
** Boots are giving away free gift of Barry M Lash Vegas Mascara when you spend £9 or more on Barry M cosmetics.

Disclaimer: I'm not promoting boots - but I love a beauty bargain, so always worth a share. 
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